“I hadn’t had that sort of experience for years. I came away feeling very, very good about it.”

Mike has been delivering Traffic Management Training at Fulton Hogan for more than 16 years. He’s always enjoyed his job but says he enjoys it even more now that he’s completed the ATT4 course.

‘This course has not just enhanced my delivery. It’s also given me some really good pointers of what I should be doing. The thing that sticks in my mind most is the VARK (Visual, Aural, Read/write, Kinaesthetic) guide to learning styles. That really resonated with me and I think about it every time I’m teaching now. Looking at the class I think about which ones are going to respond to the visual presentation and which ones have more practical skills. They’re good with their hands’.

I also gained an understanding of the different style of learning for a young person as compared to an older person, and we train a range of ages from 18 – 60. We have young people at entry level right through to those refreshing their qualification at senior level.

The course was extremely rewarding for me personally. I haven’t had that sort of experience for years and I came away feeling very, very good about it. Sara, our facilitator, was absolutely brilliant. She’s one of the best tutors I’ve ever had. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. Particularly the face-to-face sessions we had. I thought the learning was going to be difficult, but it really wasn’t. Because by the time we got through the face-to-face session, it actually flowed beautifully. It was really good.

It’s been years, well a very long time, since I did any study. So, it was quite daunting to start with. But the first face-to-face made us feel so comfortable. As well as the fact that we were all sharing the experience. Another guy was about the same age as me. So, it was good to see we were all in the same boat, and it wasn’t leaky!’

“This course did more than enhance my delivery.”